Keep Your Life Organized With These Tips

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For every hour spent organizing, an hour is earned.” – Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin may have been right, but sometimes it’s just not that easy to get organized – no matter how hard you try. 

But there are some things you can do to get your home – and your life – organized. And none of them are too hard – you just have to want to do it!

  • Keep a Task List and Prioritize: Do you keep a list of things you need to accomplish? Lots of people do, but it’s only effective if you prioritize your list – and work to check things off. Without prioritization, it’s easy to get sidetracked – and then nothing gets done! Make the list, prioritize, and then get to work!
  • Establish a Routine: Are you a “fly by the seat of your pants” type of person? If the answer is yes, then it could be keeping you from getting organized. Instead, work to establish a routine. Set some times for specific activities throughout your day – everything from when you answer emails to working out to when you go to bed. You’ll find it beneficial and may lead you to get more done throughout the day.
  • Do One Thing at a Time: Everyone always brags about being a great multitasker, but studies have shown that doing one thing at a time may be the way to go – especially if you need to stay organized. Allowing yourself to focus on one thing means fewer mistakes and often less time to complete it.
  • Do the Things You Don’t Want to Do First: When you look at your to-do list, it can be easy to pick the things you like to do first – and push off doing the things you don’t like. But a better way to tackle it would be to do the things you don’t want to do – FIRST! Checking these things off will give you a great sense of satisfaction and make getting through the other things on your list seem like a piece of cake.
  • Create a Command Center: If you’ve got a busy household and have to keep track of everybody’s calendars plus things like important papers and bills to be paid, why not create a command center? You can put up a calendar, fill in everyone’s schedules, share dinner menus, and put all of your essential papers here. It’s a great way to keep the entire family organized!
  • Take Control of Your Calendar/Time: When you look at your calendar, does it stress you out? Is it jam-packed with events and activities? Then it’s time to take control of your calendar and your time. This may mean saying no to a few things, but you’ll appreciate the time you gain.
  • Put Things Away Immediately: What does your place look like at the end of the day? Is there a pile of clothes on the bed? Dishes still in the dishwasher – and in the sink? Kids’ toys scattered around? A few cups in the living room? One of the best ways to help keep your home looking good is to put things away immediately. It can be tempting to say, ”I’ll get to them later!” – but don’t do it! Pick items up and put them away immediately.
  • Declutter Often: Another good idea to help keep your home organized is to declutter – and to do it often. Many people only do this once each year, but doing it more often makes the task easier – and helps you keep from accumulating too many things.

If you set a goal to get organized in 2021, just know that it’s not too late. Use these tips, and you’ll have things together in no time!

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