Protecting Yourself From Sunburns and How To Deal with After

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We all want to get out there and soak up as much sun as we can during the warmer summer months. However, if you are going to be in the sun for many hours at a time, then you need to ensure that you are taking the proper care to prevent sunburns. A sunburn is not something that you want to deal with, and too many burns can lead to serious health concerns.

To help you keep your skin safe, without having to stay locked up inside all summer, here are some tips for protecting yourself from sunburns. And since we can’t all be perfect, we’ll also throw in some tips for treating yourself after getting a burn.

Protecting Yourself From Sunburns

Lather Up

The best way to protect your skin from the beginning is by lathering up with plenty of sunblock and protective lotion. Lotions are based off SPF values, with higher numbers being those that will protect your skin the most. For those that have pale skin or burn quickly, lotion is imperative. It’ll help you avoid serious issues and it’s a simple precaution to take.

Layer Up

When the temperatures start to rise, it’s hard to imagine putting on layers of clothing when you go outside. However, if you plan on being outdoors for extended periods of time and you do not have lotion, then consider wearing clothing that has long sleeves or pant legs. Lighter clothing and colors will help you stay cool, while still staying protected from the sun.

Applying-SunscreenLimit Your Time

No matter what you’re wearing, make sure that you limit your time in the sun if your body burns easily. Even if you aren’t ready to pack it in entirely for the day, seek shade whenever possible to give your body the rest it needs away from the sun.

Dealing With Sunburns

Moisturize Externally

In the event you still get burnt, it’s important that you put aftercare moisturizer on it as soon as possible. The more quickly that you put lotion on the burn, the better your chances are at the impact being less painful on your body. You can use vitamins C and E as moisturizing agents that will help to treat the burn, which will also help to relieve pain.

Hydrate Internally

As well as moisturizing your skin, you’ll also want to hydrate internally as well. A burn will cause your body to go into a mode of dehydration if you do not load up on fluids. Therefore, be sure to drink plenty of water and other liquids if you’ve suffered a sunburn.

Start Quickly

Finally, don’t wait to get started on your burn treatment. If you’ve been in the sun a bit too long, refrain from thinking that there’s nothing that can be done while you remain outdoors. Instead, seek shelter and start taking the preventative steps needed to treat your sunburn.

Everyone wants to get out and enjoy the sun this summer. To keep your skin safe, consider this insight for preventing yourself from sunburns and dealing with them after the fact.

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