Decorating On A Budget: Where To Shop?

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You’re going to love moving into your new place. There’s no better time to start decorating, as a new home is a blank canvas where you can start from scratch. However, with as much money as you may have spent moving into your new place, funds may be short for a while. And we all know that a tight wallet may make it more difficult for you to decorate as you want.

If this sounds a lot like you, then you’re still in luck. Here are some tips on how to decorate on a budget and where to shop to get the best furnishings for your home.

Big Box & Club Stores

Your first consideration to purchase new furnishings for your home is likely going to be a furniture outlet or big box store. While places like Ikea and Home Goods do offer decent products, it’s important that you know what you’re buying. When purchasing items at any of these stores, be careful with what you invest in. Avoid purchasing expensive items that don’t look like they’ve been built from quality workmanship, as this is a quick way to lose your investment. Instead, only buy the items that you feel comfortable with and that match your budget.

An alternative to the general big box stores, you may also want to look to furnish your home from a store that requires a club membership. Sam’s Club and CostCo have furniture and electronics, and they also offer a great return policy in the event you change your mind when you get home. Even if you pay for the membership, you’ll likely save money in the long run by decorating your home with furnishings from a club store.

Couple-ShoppingThrift Shops & Garage Sales

Those that are likely to save the most money while decorating their home are going to be the ones who can take someone else’s trash and turn it into their own treasure. There will be countless gems and goodies at your local thrift shop or garage sale, but the question is whether or not you’ll go after them. If you have a creative eye, be sure to consider what you can make on a budget, before you start spending a lot of money on furnishings.

Online Outlets

Don’t turn away from the internet as a great place to go for decorating your new pad. Whether you are looking for a new vacuum on eBay or a new couch on Craigslist, there are countless options for finding new things for your place. The internet offers a world of options, as long as you can fine-tune how to decorate your apartment.

Pro Tip – There are a growing number of mobile apps that are available that will also help you find new items for your home. If you prefer your smartphone over your laptop, look to these apps as your online resources.

Your home is going to look great once you settle in. To help with the transition without breaking the bank, consider these tips for decorating on a budget and figuring out where to shop. You’ll save money and your place will look great.

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